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I started Shelter the Kids, because not only did I experience the loss of my parents as a child, but I also lost my husband to cancer and then experienced being a mother having to raise a son single-handedly. I have lived both realities firsthand and I know those struggles intimately, from deeply personal experience. While I was fortunate that I had faith to guide me and the determination to survive and thrive, it was never easy. I know how lonely it can be when it feels there's no one to turn to for help. I know how much pain and suffering is out there. Now I'm at a point in my life where I would like to give back. It's more like a calling, because I simply can't sit back knowing there are children out there feeling lost and vulnerable, just like I did for so many years. I also know the hardships of single parents who are struggling to get by financially while also trying to raise a family and provide the emotional support that children require. There's also this statistic that weighs on me: every year more than 400,000 children are in foster care in this country. That doesn't include children in families that are struggling because a parent has been lost to an illness or an accident. I believe that together communities can offer that helping hand, that extra support to bridge gaps. Shelter the Kids seeks to help those in need find their rainbow of hope.

To discover more about Ada's life journey, read her book No One To Call Mama (Click Here to check out the book)